Tuesday 8 October 2013

Autumn Tag

Hey guys! So in this blog I will be doing my first autumn tag on behalf of the lovely blogger Kammi, make sure you check out her blog too :) beautybookblog.com 

As you all know I prefer the cold season to summer season when it comes to fashion, and the colours this autumn have been so nice, I'm beginning to collect a rather large collection of burgundy, green, blue items etc but anyway on to the questions because that's what I'm suppose to be doing.

1. Favourite thing about Autumn? 
The big woolly jumpers that you collect in every colour, the cute boots and big coats I buy! Those winter walks to the pub! I love being snuggled up in bed when it's cold outside too but that means I drink more tea than I probably should but we all love a warm cuppa :) and the fact that Christmas starts to not feel so far away.

2. Favourite Drink?
I sort of gave that one away in the question above but again TEA ❤

3. Favourite scent/candle?
I recently bought one from Ikea that smells like blueberries, its amazing! And my flat mate has an air freshener that smells just like Christmas

4. Favourite Lipstick?
This would be my almost finished nude 17 lipstick, it's like lipstick and Vaseline combined it's that smooth on your lips. Definitely worth a purchase guys!

5. Go-to-moisturiser? 
For the face I use basic Nivea, however I don't tend to use moisturisers often! And for the body it will always be the body shop body butters. They smell lovely and stay smelling lovely.

6. Go-to-colour for eyes?
With eye shadow I find it difficult to wear as I'm a bit rubbish with finding colours that suit me and I always just wear eyeliner but for my days at uni when I just can't be bothered I'll use a subtle brown shade under a nude and for a night out I would do a simple smokey eye look.

7. Favourite music to listen to?
I love The Foxes- Youth song at the moment, it's been on repeat a lot. But as for a genre I listen to a wide range but I mostly listen to what I hear in the charts or on the radio.

8. Favourite outfit to wear?
Big jumpers, skinny jeans and some cute dollies! Simple but nice. And comfy :) 

9. Autumn treat?
Mmm this is good question, I would say buying new boots! I'm obsessed with boots this fall, I am on the hunt at the moment for some really nice flat ones to wear everyday. 

10.  Favourite place to be?
I'm gonna pick two, spending the day or going for lunch with my lovely girlies or having a chilled out evening with a take away and a film with the boyfriend. 

Right that's that then, hope you guys enjoyed reading it!

Mwah x

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I see what you mean, we are really quite similar in some of our answers! Big jumpers and candles are the best <3 plus as you said, it's then verging on Christmas time which is just amazing! :)


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