Friday 19 September 2014

One year later..

This week marks the one year anniversary of two important moments in my life. First, it's a year since I started uni, now that is flipping weird, it's amazing how quickly it passes by. Seeing all these freshens packing and buying their wristbands -- guys treasure it! It goes so fast. And secondly, it's a year since I started my blog! I couldn't quite believe it when TimeHop reminded me. 

It seems like only yesterday I was sat in a lecture about how blogging can help you in the Fashion Industry and here I am a year on, 2 blog name changes, 2 re-designs and a lot of work later. 
Although I'm not a huge blogger, I still love doing it and I know eventually I will get my name out there. 

So to mark my one year anniversary, I want to hear about yours! Whether it's one year since starting your new job or one year since you failed at yet another spending band, send your anniversary memories my way! 

A x 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get there lovely, you have a wonderful blog layout & good luck!!
    Hope you can come & check out my blog sometime too




Please comment! I love to read and reply to all of them even if I don't straight away I will xx