Tuesday 30 June 2015

Ash Blonde Baby

Blonde hair.. they say you never get it right the first time. Second time luckily and I have the beautiful ash/cool blonde I've been after!! So if you are thinking about or in the process of going blonde here's a few tips for you; 

1. Be prepared to not get what you expected immediately- hairdressers can only do so much so cut them some slack! 

2. Get every deep treatment, conditioning, serum there is out there and use it as often as possible

3. Get your hair cut regularly because it will dry out 

4. Take pictures of what you are after and be clear on what you want- there are a lot of different shades of blonde out there!

5. Remember, you have to up keep the blonde so it takes dedication and money.. It's expensive 

My first experience going blonde was so exciting because I've wanted to blonde for about 4 years. I decided to go for ombre to start off, which at first wasn't quite to my liking colour-wise, however after some TLC (grey rinse - google it) I got it to the shade I liked. I also had some subtle highlights put through to break it all up because my hair was ginger brown before so it went very warm orangey yellow! 

My second experience, is today's! I went in to my friend, wanting a cool/ash blonde and that is exactly what I got, it's almost a very subtle grey on the bottom which suits me so much more than the warmer blondes. I had a full head of highlights to create this look but I am going to have half a head next to get rid of the warm tones completely and create a sightly blonder tone. 

So bare in mind my tips and happy blonding!!!

Abbey x 

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